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Is the Massage Gun Harmful to the Body?

Publish Time: 2022-09-15     Origin: Site

Muscle massage gun is a popular massage equipment in recent years. In medicine, the massage method of sonic massage gun is also known as impact therapy. Like other massage equipment, electric massage guns are useful in some cases and not in others. The following details the application of massage gun in therapeutic massage. 


Massage gun can prevent people from muscle pain after exercise and reduce muscle stiffness. Sports massage gun is mainly used for muscle recovery. In addition, it is also used to treat patients with fibromyalgia. The impact of the portable massage gun will cover the pain signals transmitted from the body to the brain, which helps to effectively manage the patient's chronic pain. 



Treatment Restrictions

Because massage guns are very popular in recent years, many people will choose them as massage equipment. In fact, massage guns are not suitable for all situations. Although you may think massage is good for your body, in some specific cases, massage guns cannot be used on your body. Impact therapy may cause more serious muscle damage.


When dealing with muscle strain, patients should avoid using muscle vibration guns. Muscle strain occurs when the muscle is stretched beyond the normal range. This is mainly caused by inappropriate forms of exercise, sudden exercise and excessive muscle use. The impact of the massage gun will actually further damage the patient's muscles, so the deep muscle massage gun cannot be used to treat muscle strain. 


Sprains occur when muscles or ligaments are torn. Sprains usually occur during sudden movement when the muscle stretches beyond its normal range. Sprained patients can hear a burst sound from their muscles when they are injured. When there is a sprain, you can't use the fascia massage gun because it will cause further damage to the sprains of muscles and ligaments.


It is well known that our bodies become inflamed after injury, which is a natural response that helps to provide more blood to the wound and accelerate wound healing. Common inflammation includes tendinitis, fasciitis, bursitis and synovitis. When suffering from inflammation, patients should not use a massage gun to massage the inflamed area, which will make the inflammation more serious. 


Fracture is one of the most common injuries. People who fall during exercise may cause fractures. A fracture is an injury that takes a long time to heal. When there is a fracture, you must not use a deep tissue massage machine to massage the fracture part, which will make the bone more serious dislocation and even lead to bone fracture. 


In conclusion, handheld massage gun is not suitable for all physical injuries. The main function of massage gun is to relieve muscle fatigue. It can usually be used to help muscles relax after exercise. However, in case of muscle strain, sprain, inflammation and fracture, the massage gun should not be used to avoid more serious injury to the body. Therefore, although the massage gun is the most popular massage equipment at present, whether to use the massage gun should be decided according to the specific situation. Improper use can not only help muscle recovery, but also aggravate the injury.

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